Friday, July 23, 2010


Seems like everyone is on vacation this week, except for me. It's funny since this is about the time I've taken at least a small vacation this time of year in the past. See, today's my wedding anniversary, and Husband and I usually take off somewhere. Our first anniversary was in Clearwater, FL. The second and following years have been in a cabin in the woods. This year, wait for it, we're going grocery shopping. ;) Seriously, we're going out to eat tomorrow at the Melting Pot, which is fondue and sound absolutely amazing. Can't wait!

Yesterday, after work, I took to the streets for a run. It was the first time since Zooma that I've been on the streets and running hills. Oh my, did it ever show. I was cramping before the first mile, and it stayed with me for another 5-6 minutes. I looked at my watch and it said my first half mile took 6 minutes, sheesh! I did pick up the pace a bit, but the heat was getting to me, which it was about 86 with humidity and NO shade, plus the cars passing warmed me up even more. As I finished, I felt great. I did it. Hills and I did them without even thinking of my IT Band. Okay, that was a lie. I did think about it, but it didn't get tight, even on the downhills. SWEET! I'm feeling more and more optimistic as the weeks roll by.

Tomorrow, there's 9 miles on the schedule. It's suppose to be hot, like weather advisory hot, so I'm going to get up as early as I can to make it out there before it gets too bad. The trail does offer shade and a breeze that I hated in the winter, but it's more than welcome now. I'll how well my run goes by my legs, if the feel good, then I'm going to register for my full marathon. Heck, I'm about to finish week 3 of my training, I think I've already committed. I'm definitely going to be there, but I hope it's for the full and not for the half.

After my run, I'm getting my hair done, which is MUCH needed. Then I'll hang out and get ready for dinner. ;)

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